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Cultivating ecologies of solidarity and care beyond capitalism, anthroparchy,
patriarchy, racism & the State
Featured Interviews
Jeff Corntassel
Life beyond the State: from Wet'suwet'en
self-determination to indigenous
international relations
Marina Sitrin
Horizontalidad: Love and Care as
Affective Revolutionary Practice
Marcela Olivera
Autogestión: the Cochabamba water wars and horizontal organising beyond the state
Richard J. White
Total Liberation: Cultivating more-than-human ecologies of solidarity and care
Ashish Kothari
Chiara Bottici
Katia Valenzuela Fuentes
Autonomous Collectives, Buen Vivir, and Prefigurative Politics in Chile
Nomsa Sizani
The living politics of Abahlali baseMjondolo
Featured Conference Recordings
Panel Session
Cultivating Affective Commons
Panel Session
Practicing communal care
in Rojava and Chiapas
Panel Session
Mutual Aid: Resisting domination by cultivating ecologies of solidarity and care
Closing Session
John P. Clark. A Rehumanization Revolution: Restoring the Deep Commons.
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